The first 50 early access orders on July 28th at 2:30 PM EST get the exclusive Thunder Breathing T-Shirt valued at $70 for free. Sign up below to get the early access password sent to your email 1 day before the drop.

...This T-Shirt is one of our most exclusive items yet. It will not be sold during the drop and the only way to get it is to place 1 of the first 50 orders

5 Orders will be fully refunded!
Anyone who places an order including 1 of the new items within the first hour of the drop gets a chance to get a full refund. There will be 5 winners and they will be announced on instagram

More items will get vaulted before the start of the drop
Every good thing comes to an end & unfortunately some older designs will need to be vaulted before the start of the next drop. Vaulted items usually do not return to the store. If there is an item you like in the store, it is recommend to get it before the next drop starts on July 28th at 2:30 PM EST.