Stitch Spring Referrals

How does it work?

  • Share something special with those you care about

    Up to 10 of your friends, family members or followers can use your link to get this special discount.

  • Earn up to $100 in store credit

    Every time your friends make a purchase through your link, $10 will be added to your balance and you can redeem it any time. If you would like to earn more credit, you can create a video on Tiktok or instagram and refer your followers to a link in your bio. Then, you will be notified in an email when another person makes a purchase from the link.

  • Affiliate Program Invitation

    Since we will be sending out free products and pay out monthly commissions to our affiliates, the requirements to apply is to have 10k followers. However, if you are great at creating videos or promotions and you can use your referral link to get 10 referrals within 1 month, we would love to invite you to the affiliate program as well even if you do not meet the this requirement.

    If you met the requirement or you already have a combined following of 10K or more, feel free to click the link below to apply.

Stitch Spring Referral FAQs

How long does the approval process take until I can give the discount to my friends?

Right now! You can sign up above and share your link with your friends, family and followers right after you sign up. Only the affiliate program is subject to approval.

How are referrals tracked?

When someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase, the sale will be associated with you and the referral balance of $10 will be added to your account for each sale (new customers only)

When do I get to use my gift balance when my friend makes a purchase?

You will get an email within a few hours after your friend makes a purchase. If more than 1 of your friends make a purchase you will get an email with the link to use your new gift balance every time a friend makes a purchase. You can wait to redeem it until more of your friends make a purchase and your balance will be higher or you can redeem it right away.