The following items are at risk of increasing in price
We generally try to offer our items for the cheapest price we possibly can when we first launch them to give back to those who support us early. Items increase in price when they no longer meet the daily quantity threshold that allows us to keep them at their reduced price. Once an item goes up in price, it will not go back down. You can identify this by the price no longer being crossed out in red. Items can increase in price any day. Not just at the end of the wave.
We hope you can secure your favorites before they increase in price.
Recently Increased In Price
Happier Times Denim Jacket PreorderHappier Times Denim Jacket Preorder
- Prix normal
$110.00 - Prix normal
- Prix de vente
Vue rapide
Flame Denim Jacket PreorderFlame Denim Jacket Preorder
- Prix normal
$165.00 - Prix normal
- Prix de vente
Vue rapide
Wind T-Shirt PreorderWind T-Shirt Preorder
- Prix normal
$115.00 - Prix normal
- Prix de vente
Vue rapide
Sun Conqueror T-Shirt PreorderSun Conqueror T-Shirt Preorder
- Prix normal
$99.00 - Prix normal
- Prix de vente
Vue rapide
Older and less popular items are at higher risk of getting vaulted to make room for new items. Once an item is vaulted, it will likely never be sold again.
Beta Sweater PreorderBeta Sweater Preorder
- Prix normal
$95.00 $105.00 - Prix normal
- Prix de vente
$95.00 $105.00
Vue rapide
Serpent Denim Jacket PreorderSerpent Denim Jacket Preorder
- Prix normal
$159.00 - Prix normal
- Prix de vente
Vue rapide
Wind T-Shirt PreorderWind T-Shirt Preorder
- Prix normal
$115.00 - Prix normal
- Prix de vente
Vue rapide
Sacred Treasure T-Shirt PreorderSacred Treasure T-Shirt Preorder
- Prix normal
$105.00 - Prix normal
- Prix de vente
Vue rapide
Revenge Suede Leather Jacket PreorderRevenge Suede Leather Jacket Preorder
- Prix normal
$115.00 - Prix normal
- Prix de vente
Vue rapide
Pink Flame Zipper Hoodie V2 PreorderPink Flame Zipper Hoodie V2 Preorder
- Prix normal
$135.00 - Prix normal
- Prix de vente
Vue rapide
Pink Flame Zipper Hoodie PreorderPink Flame Zipper Hoodie Preorder
- Prix normal
$125.00 - Prix normal
- Prix de vente
Vue rapide